We have four holistic small groups up and running and if you wish to be a part of one of these groups please contact the minister. We have enclosed our vision for Holistic Small Groups and we aspire to develop these groups as being part of our DNA at Hillington Park Church.
Backgound to Holistic Small Groups
The Kirk Session invited the Natural Church Development team to draw up a remit for Holistic Small Groups. After prayer and discussion over several months, we are ready to bring this forward to the Kirk Session for their approval.
Holistic Small Group Remit
Each Holistic Small Group (HSG) will be a microcosm of our Church and reflect Hillington Parks Mission Statement:
“To bring as many as possible to a knowledge and love of Jesus Christ and to nurture them in that relationship”
They will balance their activities on the NCD purpose of Heads, Hands and Hearts.
Heads: the HSG will help develop member’s knowledge of God’s word.
Hands: the HSG group will reach out to others.
Hearts: the HSG will aim to support the spiritual needs of the members.
The heads, hands and hearts concept comes straight from Jesus` teaching –Mark 12 v 30…Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’
HSG will achieve this by meeting weekly, faithfully exploring the materials provided, prayerfully supporting each other on their Christian journey and by working together to develop and implement a small community outreach activity.
The meetings will last about 1hour 15mins e.g. 7.00 pm to 8.15pm, (day and time of day will be flexible to suit group and leader), the groups will normally run September to June
In line with the Great Commission Mt 28 v16-20 and the NCD Principle of Multiplication each HSG group will aim to grow/develop a further HSG
Holistic Small Group Leadership and Structure:
Each HSG will have a Leader and a Host.
The Leader will lead the meeting utilising the materials supplied by the NCD Group. The Leader will also provide a pastoral support to the group and its members.
The NCD Group will provide a mentoring support to each leader ensuring that each HSG meets/works within the agreed remit.
The Session will provide spiritual support and encouragement via the NCD Group.
The Host will arrange/provide the venue hospitality tea/coffee etc.
Venues could be home, church, café, ARK, community flat, College, school. The Leaders will decide/agree with Host and HSG members their most suitable venue.